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Save Big

Booking directly on our website, allows you to save big on your Kauai vacation. Instead of booking through online travel agencies (also known as OTA's), consider booking your getaway to Kauai through Garden Island Rentals!

Best Price Guaranteed

By booking directly on, you're getting the best price guaranteed on your Poipu vacation rentals. Avoid paying the extra fees that third-party channels like Airbnb, VRBO, and often charge as part of the reservation process. Those hidden fees can be anywhere from 4% - 15%, which can make your booking more costly.

Local Expertise

Family-owned and operated since 1981, we can make recommendations that are tailored to your personal preferences. From the best restaurants, shops, and attractions, we know the in's and out's of Poipu and the surrounding areas. We're dedicated to helping you make the best of your Kauai vacation!

Oceanfront Kauai Vacation Rental


Third-party websites claim to have the 'best rates,' but you'll always pay less when you book your Kauai rentals directly on our website. Visit our vacation rentals in Poipu Kauai to find your ideal accommodations. We have a secure and simple checkout process available 24/7. You can also call our team at 1-800-247-5599 or contact us for more information.

Take advantage of the benefits of booking direct and search for your Kauai vacation rental with Garden Island Rentals!

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